Dead Letter File

3D Cover-Dead Letter FileMy second novel, Dead Letter File is available now on Amazon – both the ebook and print versions. Dead Letter File’s story is not connected to Sudetenland, yet the style and characters are very similar. The book is a homage to my home town, Los Angeles, during the late 1940s. Rest assured work is proceeding apace on the sequel to Sudetenland, yet Dead Letter File is a little something I knew I could get out the door right away. Following is the synopsis:

Dead Letter File is a fast-paced detective thriller. The place is Los Angeles, the time is just after World War II during the early days of the Cold War, and people are turning up dead on the streets of Hollywood. A smuggled Nazi ceremonial weapon is hidden somewhere in the city and several factions have no compulsion against killing to possess this objet d’art that conceals a valuable secret. Suspicion falls upon Tom Jarrett, a man with many secrets of his own from the war, who is forced to put his new life on hold so that he can unravel the mystery… if only he can stay alive long enough.

More Interviews

BooksChatter-SudetenlandTo start June off I have a virtual book tour running featuring additional interviews on some great book sites. There were many insightful questions that were fun to work with and answer, all of which will appear on a daily basis over two weeks. BooksChatter, pictured to the left, went to the extra effort to add pictures and useful links that key off of subjects mentioned in the Q&A. That’s a very nice touch that is close to my editorial heart. So please have a look there and at the other interviews running. I will add links to the specific pages as they publish:

• Lisa Haselton’s Reviews and Interviews • BooksChatter • Unabridged Andra • Independent AuthorsYeah Books!
• Long and Short Reviews • Book ’em North CarolinaRogue’s AngelsIt’s Raining BooksWriter Wonderland

My Guest Post

Guest PostMaria Catalina Vergara Egan asked me to pen a guest post for her Is History The Agreed Upon Lie? Historical Fact and Historical Fiction site. She wanted to look a little deeper into the infamous Munich Conference from 1938, and having a copy of Sudetenland, figured I could provide the extra background. Since Sudetenland is built upon the premise that the Munich Conference does not come to pass, I ran with that angle for the guest post. All in all, the article turned out well and her readers found it a good read so please check it out. Catalina also is an author of note. Her Bridge of Deaths is a very intriguing and personal novel about the crash of a British airliner in Denmark weeks before the start of World War II, and very much worth your attention..

A Great Interview

Reporters Notebook-SudetenlandErin over at Oh, for the HOOK of a BOOK! hit me up for a fantastic interview during my latest tour for Sudetenland through Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours. She really made me laugh since I have a reputation for springing lots of probing questions on other people and I got plenty of my own medicine on this occasion. This turned out to be a fine interview because she asks wonderful questions and I had a delightful time working with her. Update: Erin has also written the kind of thorough and insightful review that authors hope for yet rarely receive. It is a delightful read that I highly recommend… and I would say that even if I wasn’t biased about the subject matter.

Book Review - SudetenlandCOFFEE HOBBY REVIEW

"A long and thorough read. This is one that I will be re-reading with Google close at hand...checking out the history. The book spends time with MANY characters and gives us a sweeping glimpse of what those in influence attempted (either for or against Hitler's goals). A lot to be admired in the many journalists, military and government who threw themselves determinedly into their chosen stances and strategies! The scenes bustle with the chaos and suspense of 1930s Central Europe and one can almost close their eyes and see the clandestine meetings, people protesting, daily news and WAR looming just around every corner. Kudos to the author who took on an era that is fraught with complexity and what-ifs."

Physical Edition Available

Sudeten Party Leader Konrad Henlein.

SdP Leader Konrad Henlein.

For everyone who wrote in to request a physical version of Sudetenland I am pleased to report that a paperback edition is now available at Amazon. I am sorry it took so long but the formatting requirements are completely different than those needed with an ebook and some remedial research on my part was required.

Sudetenland In Print

Fokker F.VIIb.

Since Sudetenland was released last October a significant number of requests have come in regarding a possible print version. Now that the original ebook is well established I wanted folks to know that a physical example is in the works. This is taking a bit longer to accomplish than I had hoped since photographs and images intended for printed books require a much higher resolution than ebooks. So I have been forced to source new photos to start each chapter, much like the one to the left of a Czechoslovak F.VIIb transport. I will give you another update when the print version of Sudetenland is closer to reality.

Book Review - SudetenlandPIRATE GIRL REVIEW

"Fascinating read with a lot of historical background that pulled you into this story and kept you flipping the pages in suspense. The plot moves quickly along keeping you intrigued with well defined characters and great imagery to help immerse yourself in the story. Anyone interested in History and/or World War II events will eat this book up. I adored the way George managed to weave together the tragedy of war, depression and politics with romance, love and hope. Great all around read."

Book Review - SudetenlandUNSHELFISH REVIEW

"Fans of WW II will delight in this comprehensive endeavor. The detail is unbelievable throughout the narrative, wonderful historical photographs complete this poignant event in history. The weaving of suspense, romance along with a wartime thriller element claim your attention as the story unfolds.

Chronis manipulated a historical event with enough fiction leaving the reader questioning the actual event with plenty of ‘what if’s’ and ‘if only’s.’ With certitude I am confident Chronis spent countless hours of tedious research, with the course of the plot it seems apparent Chronis was well versed in both military and historic arenas, perhaps the tell tale mark of comprehensive and laborious research, far too intricate to be invented.

The varying characters will impress the reader. Yes the narrative makes an impact but the characters add the blunt force. The players are numerous, however each one holds a space allowing their presence to fill the gaps of the event collectively.

Chronis impresses with such a challenging and intriguing debut effort, well written, impeccably researched. History and WWII buffs will enjoy this particularized novel, loads to discuss upon completion."

Book Review - SudetenlandBOOK NERD REVIEW

"Sudetenland was a very interesting read.  It wasn't a light read and it took me a while to get through it but it was a very rewarding experience. Chronis gives a very interesting perspective on the war and the people it affected.  The writing was very well detailed and the plot moved along at a good pace.  Anyone that is looking for a thorough and rewarding read will enjoy Sudetenland."

Author Interview

Reporters Notebook-SudetenlandThe Words and Peace site has an interview posted with yours truly. There were questions about why I became interested in the time period and the subject matter, how the characters developed and why, what was my philosophy on employing actual people as characters, and how big a part alternative history plays in Sudetenland. Use the link here to go and have a look – it’s a good read. There is also an entry for a prize giveaway on the same page.

Book Review - SudetenlandANOTHER AMAZON REVIEW

"Sudetenland is a well paced, well written, and well researched-historical novel told through the eyes of news correspondents stationed in Europe as they witness events that took the world the brink of WWII. Sudetenland is a What If novel. What if Czechoslovakia had decided to resist Hitler's invasion... Despite the accuracy of the history, the history merely forms backdrop and context. It is the characters, of which there are many, that drive a story that is entertaining and at the same time thoughtful. Readers who enjoyed Harry Turtledove's The Big Switch --- another What If novel covering events leading up to WWII --- will find Sudetenland more historically ambitious and far more engaging."

Book Review - Sudetenland


"I thoroughly enjoyed reading George T. Chronis’ novel about an extremely important period in our lives. It is a must-read for anyone with any interest in or connection to World War II. You will be riveted by the Clancy-type attention to detail (along with a similar page count at 600-plus) expanding on historic events as they unfold and all supported by authentic photographs from the era. The author adds quite a bit of personalization, and a little romance, as we follow a group of mismatched reporters covering the crisis as they trek their way across Europe following the action. Sudetenland is a masterful combination of minute details such as the tank turrets and armor plate, plus historical relevance with a back-story that reads like a Tom Clancy thriller. Enjoy."

We’re On Tumblr Too

George T Chronis – SudetenlandAfter some persuasive entreaties I have launched a new site on Tumblr. Since this social platform is geared so well to images it is the perfect venue to present some of the photographs that are accompanying posts on the Sudetenland website in a larger format. Even better, we found an Art Deco/Film Noir theme to work with that is an absolutely perfect match for the era the novel is devoted to. There is a lot of fun and creative people on Tumblr who are posting images that really grab your attention. That’s why I have chosen Tumblr as the first social network to take Sudetenland and my next novel onto. Please drop by and have a look.